All posts by Eugene Jordan

Dumped in a septic tank!

‘This erroneous assertion that 800 bodies were dumped in a septic tank. That is not true’.
Prof Diarmaid Ferriter – van der Horst interview 2014

The fifth interim report (15th March 2019) the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes states:

In the light of a great deal of inaccurate commentary about the Tuam site, the Commission considers it important to emphasise what it has established and what it has not established.

The human remains found by the Commission are not in a sewage tank but in a second structure with 20 chambers which was built within the decommissioned large sewage tank.

‘Tell us the truth about the children dumped in Galway’s mass graves’ – The Guardian. (British daily newspaper)

‘Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers’ – The Washington Post. (American daily newspaper)

‘Nearly 800 dead babies found in septic tank in Ireland’ – Al Jazeera. (Broadcaster to the Arab world)

‘800 skeletons of babies found inside tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers’ – New York Daily News. (American daily newspaper)

‘Almost 800 ‘forgotten’ Irish children dumped in septic tank mass grave at Catholic home’ – ABC News, Australia (Australian Nationwide Broadcaster)

The originator of the septic tank story is reported to have said in 2014: ‘I never used that word ‘dumped’,’ Catherine Corless, […] ‘I never said to anyone that 800 bodies were dumped in a septic tank. That did not come from me at any point. They are not my words.

In 2019 on her Facebook page Catherine Corless stated the following:

This is what the Archaeologists found when they first excavated the Tuam Home babies sewage site: two inlet sewage pipes which facilitated the flow of sewage into the chambers where the babies remains were discovered. which caused some little remains to be forced against the wall of the chambers and to date one little digit was found compacted in the wall. I do not mean to disturb anyone, but I am only quoting from the Commission of Inquiry’s 5th Interim Report on the Tuam site, and I include a photo of the sewage inlet pipes taken by the Archaeologists, and add (for the non believers) that neither Catacombs or an Ossuary would need sewage inlet pipes! Yet, not a stir from the Religious or the Church, the State at least are doing their best.

Low and behold, I think enthusiasm got the better of her as the pipes in the photo are of a separate structure and are not of the “chambers where the babies remains were discovered”. The Commission of Investigation report refers to this structure as ‘Feature 2’. The burial chambers are referred to as ‘Feature 1’.  The flow of sewage which forced some little remains against the wall is not mentioned in the report either. There was no impact, the bone in question, a small hand phalanx, floated gently above the level of the remains due to an influx of ground water, a common occurrence in chambered underground burials, where it became lodged in a crevice. (see Chapter 8, Paragraph 122 – Water influx)

Screenshot of her original post…

This mistake was pointed out to Catherine Corless, and yet she has not decided to withdraw it or admit her mistake.


The Mass Grave Lie

Would you consider your local cemetery to be a mass grave, perhaps an old burial ground with no headstones or grave markers? The term mass grave is used to imply a criminal act, but mass graves have a short time component. A criminal mass grave is defined by the United Nations as a burial site containing three or more victims of execution. Mass graves are used in times of natural disasters, war, disease epidemics when many corpses are buried together; in peacetime, the motivation is often for reasons of sanitation. Mass graves also have been used to cover up crimes, but a key feature of such graves is that a number of burials have to take place over a short period of time. A place where burials take place over a long period is called a cemetery. The children’s burial ground in Tuam was not unmarked nor is it a mass grave, it is a children’s cemetery. The term ‘mass grave’ is used fallaciously and is, therefore, a significant constituent of a much bigger lie.

Recently, the same lie has been used in Canada following the discovery of forgotten burial plots at former residential schools. They are not mass graves, and the similarity of the excitable claims to those made in Ireland is striking.

Sensationalism triumphs over reason because of political obscurantism and supremacism, i.e. the same psychological deficit which is gratified through racism, sectarianism and the full gamut of prejudices directed at cohorts and individuals.

Without competent leadership, crackpot notions masquerade as fact ahead of the facts being obtained. The damage is always far more widespread than envisioned and causes self-inflicted wounds.  The Canadian government is entirely responsible for the establishment of schools to re-educate the indigenous peoples in the ways of their colonisers. The WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) governments have a long track record of abuse and mass murder. When the dust settles, Canada will have exposed its true history and will have brought much shame on itself, and particularly on its WASPish elite.

The Mother and Baby Home Lie

The home at Tuam was never called a Mother and Baby Home. Its official name was St. Mary’s Children’s Home and in all the historical sources it is referred to as Tuam Children’s Home or simply as the children’s home. It has been falsely renamed as a Mother and Baby Home to bolster the falsehood that children were abused and murdered because the women running the home “hated bastards”. It is an argument which is not based on historical evidence.

The Unmarked Grave Site Lie

Almost every photo taken of the memorial garden where some children from the Tuam Children’s Home are buried show a gate with a Christian cross marking the site our as a cemetery. A second gate bears a cross also and in the corner is a Catholic Marian shrine. These were in place long before the scandal broke in 2014 and probably date to the 1970s when the home was knocked and a housing estate built in its place. It was not an unmarked grave site.

The bodies of infants and children buried by prisoners in a mass grave on Hart Island, New York
The bodies of infants and children stacked for burial on Hart Island, New York.

Paupers the world over, even today, or people whose families cannot afford a funeral cost, are buried in mass graves without an individual grave marker. There is nothing-disrespectful intended by the authorities, but it is by any definition burial on the cheap. There are very few if any local authorities or taxpayers in the world will pay for full funerals, burials, and individual grave markers because it is perceived to be an unfair burden on taxpayers. Like the Tuam Home, Barnardo’s children’s charity in London has been subjected to sensationalist reporting for burying 500 children in unmarked graves. Furthermore, the local authorities are required by law in most jurisdictions to carry out such burials for public health reasons.

At a time when money was tight in the 1930s and 40s, to the women in charge of the Tuam Children’s Home, it might have appeared to be a crime to spend money on the dead when it was needed for the living. Accordingly, I think someone decided to repurpose an empty concrete subterranean structure as burial crypts. 80 years later, the Irish’ imagination got the better of them and stories of holocausts, abuse and septic tanks. Accordingly, Ireland can claim another world first, as it is the first country in the world to have an organisational all-female inspired and executed holocaust in history.

A product of cultural prejudices and a failure of education.


The Starvation Lie

The chief lie upon which the mother and baby scandal relies upon is the claim that babies were starved to death. This relies on a small number of death certificates which record the cause of death as due to ‘marasmus‘. Marasmus is a type of malnutrition that is mostly caused by disease or birth defects. It is a barefaced lie to suggest that it is due to starvation.

The evidence to disprove the starvation claims is abundant and has occurred at all other Irish maternity hospitals, private homes and private institutions which provided care for infants.

Featured below are a sample of death certificates taken from the register of deaths for Dublin where the cause of death was certified as due to marasmus.

The first is of two entries are records of marasmus deaths at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin. Below that is a scan of one of the many deaths from marasmus which occurred at Temple St Children’s Hospital in Dublin. How is it that the scandal propagators and the conspiracy theorists were not accusing them of leaving babies to starve to death and of murder?

When the evidence is presented it is obvious to any sensible person that ‘marasmus‘ is not a record of starvation. The commission of investigation into mother and baby homes have also exposed these ‘commentators’ as dolts. Here is a relevant excerpt from the final report.

33.5 Some commentators have concluded that infant deaths which occurred in mother and baby homes due to marasmus indicates that infants were neglected, not appropriately cared for, and/or wilfully starved to death in these institutions.

However, marasmus was a frequently cited cause of infant deaths in institutional, hospital and community settings in early twentieth-century Ireland. The Commission considers it unlikely that deaths in hospitals and family homes were due to wilful neglect and so cannot conclude that the term marasmus denotes wilful neglect in mother and baby homes. The more likely explanation is that marasmus as a cause of death was cited when an infant failed to thrive due to malabsorption of essential nutrients due to an underlying, undiagnosed medical condition.

Every maternity hospital in Ireland has deaths due to marasmus but only the Christian institutions were singled out with false accusations of starving babies to death. They were the only institutions subjected to a commission for investigation and this is indicative of anti-Christian bias and of an attack on Christianity. Thus, the book title and a chapter dedicated to defending against these scurrilous accusations. Have a look at this article to see what kind of allegations Irish politicians have made and what if any medical knowledge they based their opinion on. Taken from the parliamentary record.

Why were these hospitals not investigated and accused of starving babies to death?



The Irish Attack on Christianity – The Case for the Defence

A new book takes an empirical look at the mother and baby homes scandal and others in what the author claims to be Ireland’s greatest history scandal. A scandal founded upon false allegations, bad history and incompetent statistical interpretation. It drew its oxygen from populism, cultural biases and the prospect of compensation, and it grew into a triumph for ignorance. Babies were not starved to death by religious women, women were not banned from sitting on juries, nor were they banned from doing work ‘unsuited to their sex’ nor did the state create a ‘brutal carceral’ system to confine wayward women. The underlying causes of the mother and baby homes scandal have been allowed to fester for decades due to a breakdown in the quality control systems in academic history. The aim of the book is to apply the quality control methods which should have been in use and seek to discover the reasons for their failure. Read more…







Getting rid of an Embarrassment to Catholic Ireland!

Soon after the Tuam story went global in 2014, University College Dublin’s Professor of Modern History, Diarmaid Ferriter, wrote ‘the State and Church colluded to get rid of an embarrassment to Catholic Ireland’. Irish Independent, 6 June 2014.

For Ferriter, it was only Catholic Ireland that was disposing of its embarrassment but for years before there were similar claims made about a Protestant Ireland. A year and a half before Ferriter’s article there were claims that babies were actually slaughtered there.

There was slaughter [at the Bethany Protestant Mother and Baby Home] from 1935 to 1944 during which years 132 babies met their deaths there.’ – Victoria White – Irish Examiner, January 03, 2013

Ferriter did not realise that it was the British who came up with the idea of mother and baby homes, and suggested that they be placed under the control of a religious communities to avoid the abuses which occur in secular institutions. The commission of investigation report states:

52. The first proposal for mother and baby homes in Ireland came in the 1907 Vice Regal Commission on the Irish Poor Law.

[…] These homes should be owned and run by religious organisations; alternatively they should be established by local authorities, who would place them under the control of a religious community.


Mother and Baby Homes

It has been called a holocaust, a mass murder of babies, with fantastical tales of abuse that have been imagined by a small, but influential, cabal of the country’s axe grinders. What does it say about Ireland’s historians when the country’s most decorated historian is not a historian! However, the Irish taxpayer, once again, continues to be forced to foot the bill for stupidity. It evinces for the Irish nation the adage, that it is impossible to soar with eagles when ruled by turkeys.  – E. Jordan

A False History

Ireland has been in the grip of major historical scandals in recent times, mostly based on a false interpretation of history. The mother and baby homes scandal which took flight in the world’s media in 2014, is peppered with lurid headlines and claims of murder and abuse and even a holocaust. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that has not stopped some sections of Irish society and politicians from jumping on the bandwagon, adding one spurious claim on top of another. Moreover, while most historians are silent, one or two less prominent academic historians have also chased after and jumped on the bandwagon. When we look for answers, it warrants an investigation into why the quality controls have become dysfunctional in the Irish university system.

Why would people go to the trouble of making up a false history, and what is in it for them?

There are powerful psychological forces at play which will cause us to believe in things which are not true, especially if they can create a sense of social superiority. The easiest way to achieve this is to create and hold views which denigrate other social groups, thereby giving one a sense of superiority, but it is illusory superiority.

Ireland society’s cultural biases and prejudices are so pervasive, and are inculcated from such an early age we hardly notice them. However, on close examination, they are central to answering questions relating to why reason, logic and evidence have been relegated to the doldrums and replaced with excitable nonsense, hysterical machinations and idiotic egocentrism.  The author Eugene Jordan provides a ground-breaking analysis that when combined with the supporting evidence, reveal a fascinating, and disturbing picture of 21st century Irish society.

Irish academic history has suffered a significant embarrassment having being usurped and intellectually outflanked by a woman who freely admits that she is not a historian and has no history qualifications. Yet she, to her credit, now ranks as Ireland’s most decorated historian, standing head and shoulders above all those so-called ‘professional’ historians holding up the universities’ walls. That in itself tells us that the historians are not up to the job, because they missed the holocaust which happened right beneath their very noses. It can also indicate that there is something very rotten at the core of Irish academia—a bold claim backed up in the book robustly with evidence.

The reality is that poor unmarried mothers were subjected to a brutal and austere regime when Ireland was under British rule. However, and to their great credit, immediately after independence, the new Free State government moved to end the brutality of the workhouse system and devised a system which was infinitely better for all the country’s poorer citizens and especially women. This is the correct historical context against which Irish mother and baby homes should be viewed, but Ireland being Ireland, when the commission of investigation was set up it was prevented from looking at the regime which existed under the British.  Why? Because it weakens the case that it was only catholic Ireland which abused women.

The whole conspiracy theory falls apart when two simple questions are asked. What was in it for the women, both protestant and catholic operating these homes to start offering a baby disposal service? Why did infanticide continue when babies could be left at an institution for disposal?

We could then ask, why was the church looking after and rearing unwanted children for nearly 2,000 years and why is it that for the first time in history, are Irish women accused of murdering unwanted children.

The first duty of a historian is to tell the story of past events, set in their correct historical context, but the evidence shows convincingly, that Irish academic historians are very much in neglect of this duty.

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