Category Archives: Self-Loathing

Self-loathing among the Irish has been a significant catalyst behind the propagation of erroneous historical narratives. The resulting cultural biases tend to lurk in the recesses of the mind, often evading conscious awareness among the Irish populace. The purpose of this section is to spotlight prominent instances as illustrative evidence, with the intent of fostering a heightened awareness of the societal and personal repercussions that ensue.

Michael O’Reagan – The Man for False History

Retired journalist Michael O’Regan has appointed himself the departmental secretary at the ministry for propaganda and false history. Of late, he has been very keen to ensure that his Twitter followers vote Yes in the forthcoming referenda on March 8th. Perhaps unremarkably, O’Regan’s Twitter, sorry X posts, on the subject embodies every one of the Gaelic stereotypes including self-loathing. It is also a good example of the type of false confidence that embeds itself when prejudice occupies the parts of the mind usually reserved for knowledge-based education and reason.

Thankfully, the top two people in the world who are the subject of  O’Regan’s hate, and name-calling, are dead. They are of course Eamonn de Valera and Archbishop John Charles McQuaid. Both men had an input into the drafting of the 1937 Constitution of Ireland.

Twitter/X is a place full of hate. If humans really are sentient and rational beings, then why are hatred and nonsense so appealing. Why do we want to read/watch/listen to people expressing hatred for other people and groups?  Hateful comments are always a manifestation of small mindedness but prejudice keeps us from that realisation. People are keen to make fools of ourselves while others egg them on! It’s a mad, mad world.

McQuaid has, in recent times, been dishonestly made out to be a villain, mainly using the falsehood that he regally ruled over the Irish government. Anyone who knows anything about Irish history is aware that the claim is not true. He was certainly a diligent and hard-working lobbyist and like all lobbyists, sometimes his proposals were accepted and not accepted. However, he was entitled to lobby the government the same as any other lobbyist. The government were equally entitled to ignore his lobbying and did so on many occasions. In just one example, the government were particularly annoyed with McQuaid, de Valera included, when he sided with the teachers during their national strike in 1946. McQuaid was politically out manoeuvred on many occasions. There is no doubt that he was an influential figure. However, the extent of his influence has not only been greatly overstated but has entered the hallowed halls of bunkum.

Nothing like a bit of puerile name-calling to excite prejudice.

I contend that the chief architect of the vilification of Archbishop McQuaid was the infamous Dr. Noel Browne. Browne is falsely lauded these days as “the man who did most to rid the country of the scourge of tuberculosis”. The truth is that Browne glorified himself at the expense of others, including his close friends and allies. He was the greatest plagiarist in Irish history. That is, a person who claims the achievements of others as his own. Those who continue to laud Browne, despite the historical evidence, are so lazy, they let others give them their opinion. Worst of all, they have not got the disposition towards truth seeking. Therefore, they are nothing more than a conduit of nonsense. (see link to Browne article below)

Those who demonise McQuaid are unaware, or perhaps more correctly, do not want to admit to his great achievements. The poor of Dublin were provided with eight million meals a year at the height of WWII when food prices soared. He gave financial help to the victims of air raids in Dublin, was instrumental in setting up clinics to treat venereal disease, and actively promoted better care for tuberculosis patients, the elderly, the physically and intellectually disabled, and sick children.

Perhaps the biggest lie O’Regan wants his followers to believe is that there is misogyny in the Irish constitution. He, and others, attempt to mislead people by leaving out key information to imply that the constitution states that a woman’s place is in the home.

The constitution does not imply, nor is it stated anywhere in the document that a woman’s place is in the home. In fact, it singles out certain women and gives them a right to stay at home and mind their children, should they choose to do so. Moreover, it explicitly guarantees the rights of such women by stipulating that they cannot be forced out of their home to work because of economic necessity. These two words are left out of every argument in favour of the abolition of this clause.

If you agree with Michael O’Regan’s interpretation of the constitution, it is because you believe the same lies and do not have the ability to use your own mind. Look things up for yourself, otherwise other numpties will give you your opinion.

Finally, O’Regan has also posted about his concern for the King of England’s prostate health.  Now, it might turn out to be that brownnosing the king is one of his favourite pastimes, but Anglophilia in combination with Hibernophobia is one of the diagnostic indicators for the presence of Gaelic self-loathing.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” ― Daniel J. Boorstin




Further Reading…


Myth #5 Noel Browne’s Mother and Child Scheme



Cultural Prejudice Claims Paddy as its Victim

The fall of the Web Summit’s CEO Paddy Cosgrave was entirely his own fault. For some time, previous, Paddy had taken to social media, particularly Twitter, to promote his political views by sneering at his opposition. Sneering at others is a common or garden pastime in Ireland, with the barstool Zorgons at the vanguard.

In the aftermath of the evil Hamas attacks on civilians on October ninth, Cosgrave sent out a few tweets which he thought were promoting his pro Sinn Féin stance, while at the same time pursuing his anti-Fianna Fáil and anti-Fine Gael agenda (FFG). The main problem for Paddy is that Sinn Féin is a pro-Palestinian party and was, until recently, the political wing of the IRA. Sinn Féin’s political enemies were quick to intimate that they were supporters of Hamas and therefore bore some responsibility for their atrocities. Paddy initially set out to defend Sinn Féin, tweeting…

The following day, with the world’s media depicting the gruesome details of the savagery used by Hamas and with public revulsion rising, Paddy, blissfully unaware, continued to sneer at his foe…

That might not seem like much of a sneer, but his true attitude is revealed in many of his previous tweets, with this one standing as a good example. Sent only a few days before the Hamas atrocity…

Like many Irish people before and now, Paddy is obviously uncomfortable with his low birth status. He thinks that by putting other people down, he is superior to them, outranking them in the social order. Paddy’s attitude reveals one of Irish society’s most powerful cultural biases, that once installed, remains in-situ despite personal success. It causes immense harm to the holder, to other people and is the main cause of Paddy’s resignation as CEO of the Web summit company.

This cultural bias has many names from self-loathing and begrudgery, to Seoneenism and Jackeenism. Many people who hold and express these biases remain unaware that their opinions are based on nothing more than prejudices, which in turn, are reinforced through a highly selective view of the evidence.

Self-loathing is responsible for many of what ails Irish society, including its love affair with false history, emigration of young people, public service incompetence etc.

Indeed, Paddy, like the rest of us, sick of poor performance and corruption in the Irish political system set up The Ditch website, employing three journalists, to expose political corruption. Unfortunately for Paddy they only managed to rake over old coals, dragging up old much publicised cases from the past, cases that were dealt with long before. Again, Paddy’s plan appears more to be about embarrassing the political establishment to favour Sinn Féin.

Corruption exists in all political systems in all countries. It is a fact of life. However, Ireland has a particular problem with public service incompetence, it far outranks the problem with political corruption. Recently released statistics show that in a five-year period, the public health services managed to kill 3,000 people, accidentally, and injured 140,000 others. The cost overruns and the tomfoolery over the building of the National Children’s Hospital is a disgrace. The list is endless and grows with each passing day.

Corruption is much more rife within the public services than in the political system, but it goes almost unnoticed. It is in this area that The Ditch should have concentrated its efforts, thereby making it more likely to be an effective agent for change. However, the agenda of The Ditch, as dictated by its owner, is to grow support for Sinn Féin and the far left.

Ireland is crying out for an organisation like The Ditch to expose and challenge the country’s incompetent officials. Such officials continue to operate freely, without any fear of being exposed, due to the diversionary nature of our cultural prejudices. Press the right button and people like Paddy will take aim at the wrong target, time and time again because sneering at others makes them feel smart and imperious. Moreover, it can alleviate the stress of the inevitable failure and maintain its delusions, holding that it was due to the stupid plebs who were unable to appreciate the greatness of the sneerer.

Regretfully, as it happens all too infrequently, reality can hit like a wet fish across the gob. Poor auld Paddy got hit with a sardine. An impact with a small fish, but it was just big enough to knock him off his pedestal.


Delusional Paddy




The Useless Graduate – The cause of Ireland’s problems!

John McGuirk, speaking at the recent Ireland Uncensored event, blamed Ireland’s growing governmental nannyism and numptyism on the ‘useless graduate’. He explained that these are people with arts degrees, with no hard skills, but they got a degree in sociology. He almost added more academic subjects to the list but stopped himself dead in his tracks, punctuating the end of the sentence with the phrase ‘a degree in whatever’. McGuirk’s comments echo a growing realisation, across these Islands, that the universities are producing graduates of little skill and ability. The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, only a month previous, promised a ‘crack-down’ on worthless university degrees. Will such a crack-down happen here in Ireland?

McGuirk again hints at the answer, explaining that since the introduction of free third level education in 1994, the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) sector has grown into an €8 billion industry. He likens it to a ‘Common Agricultural Policy for Dublin 4’, an allusion to the fact that practically all the organisations in the sector are in receipt of substantial government funding. He says that they are designed to fail, that they can never solve the problems they were set up to solve.

Almost everyone who has been through the university system knows that the department of sociology is contained within one big padded cell, located in the middle of every campus. Sociology students are driven mad by being plunged back into the 19th century, forced to decipher the bamboozling and contradictory writings of Karl Marks, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Sometimes it is claimed to be a science, but nothing could be further from the truth. Sociology studies human societies, but its resultant theories cannot be validated by science. It is officially classified as a rational discourse, and not a science. However, the absence of impartial validation tools means that any auld guff can be passed off as an academic theory. Consequently, the output from the padded cells can be the product of hysteria that would be an endless source of entertainment were it not also dangerous.

Countless individuals and families have been damaged by sociology, and its malevolence continues unabated today. Perhaps for the maddest of reasons, to give a ‘useless graduate’ a chance of a job, one must have a master’s degree in sociology to qualify and work as a social worker. The term is a misnomer, social workers do not work on a society, they work with individuals and families in crisis. Accordingly, the theories of Marks, Durkheim and Weber do not apply to individuals or family groups, nor does the ability to write academic essays confer practical skills that can benefit anyone outside of sociology. The long list of children abused and murdered while under the care of social workers stands as evidence of the dangers of employing ‘useless graduates’. In Britain, twenty years ago, after the murder of a toddler under the care of social workers, the investigation report laid the blame firmly on their training, describing it as being ‘too academic’.

It is not just NGOs who are afflicted. Tusla the government’s own child and family agency is stuffed full of ‘useless graduates’, who endanger the lives and wellbeing of children and their families daily. The plethora of failures at government agencies like the HSE (health), CAMHS (child mental health) have been described as ‘catastrophic’ by one investigative report after another. The list is endless, but none is more emblematic of the incompetence than the blunders within HSE. It was recently revealed that it had accidentally killed more than 3,000 people in the last five years, while a further 480,000 incidents had occurred that had the potential to cause harm to patients.

The excuse is always the same, failures are blamed on ‘a lack of resources’. In other words, give them more money and that will solve all their problems. Tusla gets more and more money every year and it hasn’t solved its incompetence crisis. The same goes for the HSE and the full gamut of state institutions.

The excuse works because it preys on a psychological weakness of the political classes. They are eager to claim credit for obtaining funding. First, it proves to themselves that they are not useless, second, they think that it oils the wheels of their gravy train, speeding it towards re-election. Part of the solution is to watch out for numpty politicians, who claim the credit for funding, and vote for someone else.

The useless graduate is far more dangerous to the health and wellbeing of many people than we realise. However, as McGuirk also pointed out, there is the issue of hatred. It appears that the political classes hate the people they govern. ‘You eat too much, you drink too much, you drive too fast, you use the wrong kind of heating in your homes. You say the wrong things, you think the wrong things. You don’t say the right things or think the correct things.’

The poor and the working poor have been more greatly impacted by plethora of simpleton policies. For example, the families of alcoholics have been left penniless by the minimum price per unit of alcohol decree. It does not take much effort to learn that addicts have to have their fix, no mater what the cost. Much of the crime in Dublin is associated with drugs. It has created a human wasteland full of addicts committing crimes to fund their habit.

However, rather than come up with a strategy and policies that might be effective in reducing various problems, the Irish government will always find a way to make the problem worse. They will then fund an NGO to partially alleviate the misery they caused in the first place. The NGO will of course have many employees on fat cat salaries, most of them will be ‘useless graduates’, no doubt.

Finally, McGuirk further defined a ‘useless graduate’ as ‘not a doctor, not an engineer, and not a scientist’. The implication is that these degrees are less useless or produce more intelligent people. However, while the professions contain many brilliant minds, they are equally counterbalanced by dimwits! The Americans call these boneheads, book-smarts.  That is people who are seemingly academically competent but are positively inept in the real world.

John McGuirk is the Editor of Gript.




Video: Ireland Uncensored
Over 3,000 fatalities caused by accidents within the HSE since 2018 –  Published Aug 21, 2023
The reliance on State funding poses challenging questions for all charities
Ireland’s greatest economic failing: poor public services
Rishi Sunak is right about worthless university degrees
Tusla failed to refer 365 cases of suspected child abuse to Garda


Irish Times Desperate to Keep Tuam Facts Hidden

Sportswriter repeats the same old claptrap and innuendo about Tuam.

The Irish Times claims to be the best and most accurate source of news in Ireland, a paper of record. However, in a desperate attempt to boost declining sales, it has, in recent times, adopted the tactics of the gutter press. It appears that reporting truthfully, using skilful and informed journalists, is now considered by newspaper owners to be the quickest route to oblivion.

Forcing journalists to write false stories or to sex-up mundane content with excitable or smutty innuendo would appear to be the preferred methods used by the main body of the gutter press. However, other, more subtle methods can be used to similar effect. One tactic is to use journalists who have little or no expertise in a specific area of interest. It’s a brilliant tactic that takes advantage of the Dunning-Kruger effect. It holds that people, with no competence regarding a particular subject, feel themselves to be experts in that subject. I know, it’s gas! When applied to journalism, reporters don’t know what the most pertinent questions are to ask. Consequently, they have little or no skill in getting to the truth of the matter. So how does an editor manage to achieve that?

Imagine if you took a sports journalist, a person whose entire career involves describing the behaviour of grown adults chasing a bag full of wind around a field, and then send them to cover a story that requires an elementary knowledge of science and medicine. The result would be a story written from the perspective of a sportswriter. Moreover, the lack of pertinent knowledge would leave the reporter in a position of gullibility. To be taken advantage of, without knowing or even suspecting it.

Poor auld Keith Duggan, taken advantage of by the Gutter Times, with no clue what just happened!

  • There are not 796 children buried at the children’s graveyard. The number arises from the work of an official at the registrar’s office in Galway. It’s a mistake, as the official missed out on some of the records.
  • Catherine Corless is not a historian!
  • She omitted the fact that out of the 796 death certificates she obtained, nearly 100 were of children born to married parents.
  • The burial ground indicated on a map of the Tuam Children’s Home is much larger than the current boundaries of the burial ground.
  • Astonishingly, the Irish branch of the Red Cross is not impartial! Yep, it gave an award to Catherine Corless, without checking the veracity of her claims.
  • Children were not abused nor starved to death at Tuam or any other so-called mother and baby home.


You can read the claptrap and innuendo here

Hall of Shame – Sligo Co Councillor Gino O’Boyle

Gino O’Boyle’s motion was accepted at the May 2023 meeting of Sligo Co Council that called on the ‘international pharmaceutical company GSK to pay for medical experiments conducted without consent in Mother and Baby Homes’.

No medical experiments were carried out at mother and baby homes. There is a big difference between a clinical trial and a medical experiment. Either Gino is completely ignorant of the difference, or he might even be able to distinguish between the two. If the latter is the case, and judging by the amount of publicity he has received, it looks like another case of self-promotion using sexed up political lies. The truth seldom gets into newsprint these days, and repeating it certainly won’t make a name for any aspiring gobshite politician. However, I am more inclined to believe that plain old ignorance rather than Machiavellianism is behind his motivations.

Illegal clinical trials were conducted in a small number of mother and baby homes during the 1960s and 70s. However, the responsibility for the illegality lies squarely between two Dublin Universities. UCD & TCD. Several of their staff members conducted the trials without the knowledge or permission of the management of the homes in question.

Gino O’Boyle clearly has not read the final report of the commission of investigation into mother and baby homes. An ability to understand plain English along with a small understanding of medical matters would perhaps banish such ignorance, but pure ignorance is the foundation of many a political career. Accordingly, O’Boyle would seem to have laid foundations of such little substance that he will be able to float to the top of the Irish political toilet bowl.

For more background surrounding this issue, see this article…


Dublin Universities Involved in Illegal Clinical Trials on Children

Jennifer Zamparelli – Irish Self-Loathing

Jennifer Zamparelli has made it her mission to broadcast the flatulence of Irish self-loathing from the basement of the RTÉ radio centre on each weekday morning. 2FM is a popular music station with a previous reputation for good music combined with frivolity. Currently such frivolity is provided by Doireann, Donncha and Carl in the early morning and the two Johnnies in the late afternoon. In between is the Jennifer Zamparelli Show, which runs from 9am to midday. During that time Zamparelli never misses an opportunity to claim that her parents were backwards. In fact, not only were her parents backwards but her entire family along with everyone else in Ireland was backwards until very recently.

Such self-loathing is a very common prejudice among the Gaelic Irish and as the name Zamparelli, is not Gaelic, I was a bit surprised to find the prejudice with the same force of strength as the native Irish. I confess to not knowing much about her background and I have never listened one of her shows in its entirety. Occasionally however, while channel hopping on a break from work, I land on 2FM only to find Zamparelli banging on about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual and Queer issues, and using them to sneer at the Irish nation. It’s her favourite subject and hardly a show goes by without herself or a guest falsely rewriting history to claim to be a victim.

A one trick pony, talking about sex is her main strategy to attract an audience and so on one of recent shows, she ventured into the world of pornography. Andy, who is an Irish porn star. revealed that he is a bisexual actor with a reputation for being well endowed in the trouser department. Zamparelli, true to form, used it as another opportunity to engage in self-loathing. He told one story about how he was deported from France after attempting to shoot a porn film along with two women, in the open air, using the Eifel Tower as a backdrop. The French police did not take kindly to their actions and the only word Andy said he could make out in French was the word, “disgusting”. He also used the word deported but I have never heard of anyone being deported without a court order. He said he drove with to a channel port to leave France with all due haste. I can only surmise that the Parisian police told them to get out of France quick or he and his lady colleagues would be in big trouble.

Oddly enough Andy revealed that his family still lives in Ireland, and with a lot of encouragement from Zamparelli, he revealed that they were subjected to a bit of slagging thanks to his chosen career. Andy was cajoled into saying that ‘it only happened in Ireland’, and that he got no grief about being a porn star while living in England. Zamparelli then used the story to directly accuse the Irish of backward behaviour because Andy’s family were not abused in England. Despite them not living in England!

Zamparelli has a habit of prefacing her prejudiced utterings with the phrase ‘this country’. I have no problem with people criticising Ireland when such criticism is valid but using the phrase ‘this country’ singles it out from all other countries but never is a valid comparison made with other countries.

Had porn star Andy been English, or of any other nationality, I’m one hundred percent sure that when it became known locally, that his family members were related to a man who is famous only for the public display of his big Mickey and the practical demonstration of its secondary function, they too would get ribbed about it. There is nothing uniquely Irish about such behaviour. All famous people are the subject of comment, ranging from mild to abusive, untrue to plausible and unacceptable to invasive. Most of it carried out by journalists, to feed the insatiable appetite of the broadcast and print media, who in turn feed it to the braying masses.

It turns out that Zamparelli is her married name and that her maiden name is Maguire. A more Gaelic Irish name one could not have, and so the strength of her self-loathing now makes sense and is explained by her family origins.

Born in 1980, Jennifer Maguire is of a generation who were deprived of a complete education in Irish history. The British rule of Ireland is a story of appalling abuse, economic, physical, and governmental. Consequently, our true history has the power to incite resentment and hatred of the British. Therefore, in the late 1970s and 1980s, when the Northern Troubles were at their height, the Irish government took the decision to de-emphasise the British crimes, violations, and economic embezzlement within the schools’ Irish history curriculum.

Whether the Irish government intended it or not, the net effect of its education policies has been to instigate an about-face. It took the British from being the villains of history to the white knights, who quixotically set about to rescue the Irish from their backwardness.

The Maguire clan the full brunt of the English reconquest of Ireland, they, like many others, ended up losing their land, lives, and titles but more importantly their social status.

Forcibly impoverished and socially immobilised, the Gaelic Irish were left with only one road open for those who wanted to advance their social status. The road still runs through the Valley of Sneers even today. Nowadays, when people want to feel superior to others, the buy an expensive German car (on a PCP or hire-purchase), join a golf club, stay in a five-star hotel, move to an upmarket neighbourhood and so on. If no such routes are open, then one can create illusions of superiority by putting people down, mostly expressed through sneering.

The vanquished Maguires together with many other once noble clans, desperate to reclaim some of their former status, took to siding with their British masters. However, entry to the British club required that the British be lauded, and the Irish sneered at.

To bait fish withal. If it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, and what’s his reason? I am a Paddy. – Paddy Shylock, Act 3 Scene 1, The Merchant of Ennis.

Jennifer Zamparelli is almost completely unknowledgeable about Irish history and society. The little knowledge she has managed to acquire has come from a barstool bore, and not from the expending of energy on scholarship.

Trying to feel big by sneering at others is the most enduring historical pursuit of Gaelic families even today. However, when sneering at the Irish they also sneer at themselves, hence the term self-loathing.

I would suggest that an ignoble award is appropriate. I will call it “the Zamparelli acronym” — Leave Gaelic Bull-manure To Quarrellers

Even at 42 years of age it is never too late for a little bit of homework…

What could a woman do that could have a man tried and executed?
The answer… have sex with another woman. Yep, lesbianism was never banned in these islands. Why? Queen Victoria refused to believe that women would engage in such acts. However, having no truck with British discrimination, it was proposed that after Irish independence, the Dáil would give equality to women by criminalising female homosexual acts, alongside those of males. It was, however, never enacted.

The English executed dozens of men for allegedly having sex with other men. I can find evidence of only two men who suffered a similar fate in Ireland. John Atherton and his alleged lover John Childe. They were not hung by the Irish, but by the English authorities in Ireland.

Atherton was the Anglican Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, who spotted that the Irish had no law banning male homosexuality. He became one of the prime advocates for such a law. Ironically, when it came into force, he and his servant became its first and only victims. They were both hanged on St Stephens Green on 5 December 1640. It is now thought that Atherton was innocent, the victim of character assassination.

The naive Irish Brehon Laws show an awareness of homosexuality, but it was never outlawed. The first time it became outlawed in Ireland, it was due entirely to the British.

The first of what might be interpreted as anti-gay laws on the continent were brought in to protect boys from pederasts. David Norris, Ireland’s most famous gay rights activists, was forced to withdraw as a candidate from the 2011 Irish presidential election when he declared support for pederasty. Pederasty, in Norris’ mind, was where a man takes a boy to live in his home for sexual relations who, in return, receives free board, lodgings, and an education. Norris, always popular with the Irish public, was the favourite to win the election but has since dropped out of public view.

Gay people were always well tolerated in Irish society. Even in the 1970s, when the British Gay Liberation Front was in full flight, RTÉ carried many British shows with gay themes. Dick Emery was especially popular, and one of his gay catchphrases, “Oh hello honky tonks”, became a common greeting in Ireland during the 70s. Emery was joined on Irish screens by a plethora of camp and gay characters, presenters, and actors in popular TV shows like Have You Been Served and films like, the Carry On series. The Kenny Everett Show was one of my favourites. Kenny was famous for being gay in real life and for his portrayal of outrageous characters, many of them gay.

The reality is that the Irish are one of the most tolerant nations on earth. They continue to victims of racism from their own kind and tolerate it with gay abandon!


Air Crash – More toxic Revisionism from RTÉ

Brains are not only in very short supply at the state broadcaster, it is highly doubtful that they have even two brain cells to rub together between them all. Last night, it aired a documentary on the subject of the crash of on Aer Lingus airliner in 1968, and the mystery that still surrounds its causes to this very day. The programme was as far from an erudite attempt to solve the mystery, and so they chose to cause a bit of excitement by interviewing conspiracy theorists and let their ravings go unchecked. I’m afraid I could not take it any more after one particular barstool bore, stated that the air accident report was not alone quite short but was full of technical detail. He barrelled out that “61 people fell out of the sky and nobody gave a shit”. At that point I could not take any more and went in search of something else to watch. Luckily, I found Dr Pixie McKenna on an English TV station who had gathered a group of women in a launderette to examine and smell various types of vaginal discharges. It turned out to be infinitely more educational than any of the historical effrontery emitted from Dublin.

I qualified as a pilot many years ago in pursuit of a childhood dream, and have a lifelong interest in all matters connected with aviation. Over the course of my lifetime, I have read many aviation accident reports, including the one on this accident, sometimes labelled the Tusker Rock crash. I can confirm that every single aviation crash investigation report from Ireland or elsewhere is full of technical details. If “nobody gave a shit”, there would have been no investigation, no accident report and no reinvestigations. Like that of an international investigative team who re-examined all the evidence and published their report as recently as November 2000.

The barstool bore also claimed that the report was deficient because it was too short. In reality, the original report, published in 1970, contains all the details one would expect to find in such a report. The reinvestigation by the international team found that there were some errors in the 1970 report. However, these errors, if they were corrected, could not solve the mystery of the causes of the crash.

It has long been speculated that the aircraft was brought down by either a British missile or a drone. This has been definitively ruled out. The likely cause of the crash was a loss of function to the control surfaces on the aircraft’s tail. The Viscount aircraft had strayed off its planned flight path, most likely indicating that the crew were battling for half an hour to regain some control of the aircraft. Regaining control was impossible, and so the aircraft crashed.

The failure could have been due to many reasons including a bird strike, a structural failure, a door falling off, and so on. However, the engineering maintenance procedures at Aer Lingus were also found to be deficient, and so these remain as a likely possibility of being a major contributory factor.

However, nobody can know for sure what caused the crash, as the evidence to reach a reasonably certain conclusion has not yet been found. A more competent documentary maker would have hired a team to search the seabed for new evidence. It would have made a watchable and more interesting programme, even if no new definitive evidence was found. However, RTÉ, the cash strapped broadcaster, could not afford to do a real investigation and so chose the cheaper gutter journalism option, warming up old conspiracy theories using musings of Ireland’s over supply of barstool experts.

The Abuse of Reason

The abuse of Amnesty International in the wake of its report examining the misbehaviour of the Ukrainian military, exposes the ineptitude of the western media to report about war with honestly.

Students of military history and history in general are taught to be sceptical of claims and accusations made by all sides of belligerent divide in war. The truth is the first casualty of war and the search for it, in its hospital bed, is always fraught with difficulty. The western media has not even bothered to go in search of the truth, relying on Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy to form their opinion for them. Conversely, expressing opinions based on evidence will be met with a torrent of abuse, not only from Zelenskyy himself but from all the cheerleaders of war.

Zelenskyy has not been honest with the public. One could argue that no leader in history has ever valued honesty above the need to rally support and to make their people fight. Accordingly, impartial reporters will not take the information from either side in a war without subjecting it to critical analysis and seeking confirming evidence. That is not happening in the western media, and the information coming from western governments is managed in a way not to damage support for Ukraine.

The Ukraine military has been involved in false flag operations since the start of the war, however despite such tactics being a common propagandistic tool, it took Amnesty International six months to cop-on to what was happening. The Ukrainians have been putting the lives of their own civilians in danger, using them as human shields and by making civilian infrastructure look like military installations to draw enemy fire. When the enemy eventually attacks, the Ukrainians claim it as a war crime and use it to feed their propaganda machine. It also appears that the Ukrainian military are willing to carry out attacks with little care for the lives of their own citizens unfortunate to be in the line of fire. The attic is to lay the blame for all civilian deaths on the enemy.

It is obvious to any competent war observer that false flag operations have been in use since the very start of the conflict by the Ukrainian side. I wrote about this last April. Thankfully, my opinion does not carry the same weight as that of Amnesty International, and it did not enrage the Ukrainian establishment as much as they did.

However, despite Ukrainian government claims, nothing in the Amnesty report justifies the actions of Russia, even if it confirms that at least some Russian claims are true.

What’s truly astonishing is not the fact that some vested interests within Amnesty International tried to have the report stopped or watered down, it was their attempt to cast aside any semblance of impartiality, thereby confirming bias within the organisation. The Ukraine office of Amnesty International in particular has questions to answer after it tried to stop the publication of the report, which was compiled by foreign observers, without any assistance from local staff. This may account for why Amnesty International was so slow to observe and report from the war impartially in the first place.

However, Amnesty International is standing over their report, and we might be impressed that the organisation had the good sense to suspect the local office was filtering out information and decided to send in an independent team to check facts independently.

That said, the Irish office of Amnesty International is still a biased gobshite organisation and the parent organisation should also send in a team to investigate its crackpot behaviour.

Finally, the Irish Times continues to wallow in the gutter, telling readers that the “report by human-rights body gave Russia a blank cheque to continue trying to justify atrocities committed in Ukraine”. It’s titling pornography, not impartial reporting, and it is puerile in the expectation that its readers are so gullible.




Truth is the first Casualty of War

Lies, Damned Lies and Western Media

Irish Times Article

Women in the Home – Feminist Lie

Many Irish feminists, particularly those of the crackpot variety, are not very bright and do not possess the ability to read and comprehend plain English or indeed Irish. They have, for decades, been promoting the lie that the Irish constitution stipulates that a woman’s place is in the home. In other words, all women are given the role of home-makers and should be frowned upon for taking up a career. However, that is not what is written in the constitution! Moreover, the protection it should give to women who want to stay at home has never been afforded to women by the Irish government.

Many couples today have been forced into debt slavery due to astronomical house prices and accommodation rental. The result for most people in Ireland is that it takes two incomes to get a mortgage and to service it for three or more decades.

Article 41.2 foresaw this situation and stipulated that the government should make provision for mothers who wanted to stay at home and look after their children. In other words, such women should not be forced out of the home to take up work through economic necessity.

Fast-forward 50 years when the rumour began to spread that the Irish government wanted to suppress women and had even enshrined in law that ‘a woman’s place is in the home’. It’s pure crackpot stuff, the love child of the Irish culture of self-loathing and catastrophising females.

Take the opinion of Heather Laird and Emma Penney as a prime example. Both women associated are with University College Cork, who declare that “Article 41.2 was built on the myth of the male breadwinner, which impacted women differently depending on their background […] suggesting that women do not require the same freedom of choice as their male counterparts.”


    1. 1. In particular, the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.
    2. The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.

Laird and Penney’s interpretation of this article requires reading into the article text, which is simply not there. It takes a massive stretch of the imagination to see this as restricting the freedom of choice of women. Moreover, it shows that reason and logic have deserted the Irish universities.

Ireland’s state broadcaster RTÉ gives over part of its website to academics in a section named Brainstorm. However, much of the history on this part of the website is of similar quality to this particular article, and so the site would be more correctly named Brown Stuff Storm!





RTÉ – The issues with Ireland’s ‘women in the home’ constitution clause


Irish Journalism and False History

Arthur Beesley knows little of the history of Ireland and less about the medical history of the nation, but he feels himself qualified to write articles which are not historically accurate but are continually propagated to warm the cockles of every self-loathing leprechaun. Beesley is listed on the Irish Times website as their Current Affairs Editor, listed elsewhere with only a qualification in journalism from Dublin City University. In a recent article in the Irish Times Beesley repeated the hogwash and false history surrounding the Irish nation’s battle with Tuberculosis. Beesley states:

“It was only after a crusade led by Dr Noël Browne, health minister from 1948 to 1951 in the first coalition government, that control was finally asserted over the disease.”

Browne of course was not only a keen promoter of this myth but the actual founder of it. He set himself up as the darling of the nation, one of our national superheroes but he was in fact claiming credit for work of other people, chiefly that of Dr James Deeney. Many historians have remarked of Brown’s autobiography that it was notable for its dishonesty. However, Browne continues to fool the likes of Beesley who have no knowledge of the subject and have not read any independent analysis of the claims made by Browne.

Beesley even manages to credit Browne as the instigator of “a huge programme to build hospitals and sanatoriums”. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of history or the ability to do basic historical research will know of the Tuberculosis (Establishment of Sanatoria) Act, 1945. Yes, three years before Browne came to power, the Irish government had set about its huge programme “to build hospitals and sanatoriums”. The programme was formulated by Dr. James Deeney, who at that time was the Chief Medical Advisor to the Government and his officials at the department. The ambitious building and reform programme was stalled because of the second world war, but the officials wasted no time at the war’s end, to set about reorganising healthcare within the state. One part of their reforms was to create a separate department of health in 1947. Dr. James Ryan was the first Minister for Health and Browne quite by accident, became the second Minister for Health in 1948.

When the Regional Sanatoria building project was about to go ahead, the Canadian tuberculosis establishment had offered to take Irish doctors to train and study with them in Canada. Accordingly, Dr. Deeney invited a group of sanatoria officials to discuss the selection of candidates. The group arrived with Dr Noel Browne as their secretary.

Deeny later recalled of the meeting:

The discussion proceeded pleasantly until Browne took over. He made a lot of scathing remarks and was downright rude and insolent. Now I had stuck my neck out on this thing, had taken it in hand, got it going and was producing results. So I was not about to take calculated rudeness from a young sanatorium assistant, no matter how able, whose experience was extremely limited and whose remarks anyway were not helpful. Since he continued and no one could stop him, I terminated the meeting.

The next day someone from the group rang again on their behalf and apologised and asked might they return and I said ‘yes but without Browne’. I saw them again, they came as often as the wished and our relations were pleasant and their advice valuable. The day after Browne rang and asked might he come in. I said come along and he did and apologised for his remarks. We discussed things in a completely friendly way. In the conversation he said that he appreciated what I had managed to do so far and asked whether I would have any objection to his raising the matter of TB in public outside of medical circles.[1]

Browne had no hand act or part in the establishment of the TB campaign. All the work had been done by the time Brown arrived in power, just in time to take all the credit.

In reality Browne had big issues with his bad temper and loss of self-control, and it was this issue that was the main cause of his political downfall combined with his capacity for devious dealings.

For the real Noel Browne story, see this article.

Myth #5 Noel Browne’s Mother and Child Scheme

For reference

For a far better history of the subject see…

Deeny, James. To Cure & to Care: Memoirs of a Chief Medical Officer. Glendale Press, 1989.