Historians Silence on False History The Tuam Children’s Home or to give it its full title, St. Mary’s Home, Tuam was not exclusively a mother…
Category: Uncategorized
False History – Understanding the role of Cognitive Biases
This documentary financed by the Canadian government provides a good overview of the outcomes due to our cognitive biases combined with the democracy of the…
Imagination Replaces Knowledge
Poor quality thinking is much in evidence these days, especially in the media, both traditional and non-traditional. One recent exemplar is the present day re-interpretation…
Mother and Baby Homes
It has been called a holocaust, a mass murder of babies, with fantastical tales of abuse that have been imagined by a small, but influential,…
More Anti-Irish-Prejudice
In today’s Ireland, resplendent with its new generations of parchment holders, it never ceases to amaze how the dream of a college education for all…
Licensed to Kill – Irish Road Safety Authority
The Irish Road Safety Authority (RSA) was set up to fail and has proved its impotence through the recent rise in the number of road…
Patrick Christys – Half Irish, half educated, full union jackass
Bias and jingoistic bias is to be expected from the GB News channel, but racism is never acceptable. Patrick Christys’ anti-Irish comments calling the country…
Childish Climate Change Behaviour
Climate change activism often involves individuals with a simplistic view of the world and a limited grasp of scientific principles. John Gibbons, an environmental journalist…
Halfwit’s Misadventures: The Chronicles of Comical Cluelessness
Some people make a rock look like a genius but wear the armour of anonymity to avoid exceeding their quota of real-world ridicule. I see…
Top 5 Falsehoods of Irish History which Everyone Believes are Facts
The Irish nation is particularly prone to believing in historical myths. Falsehoods appear with such frequency in the country’s media and are never subjected to…