Tag Archives: false history

The Rubberbandits and Blind Wet Fartage!

Isn’t it amazing how Blindboy, who celebrates or at least draws attention to Limerick’s reputation for criminality, gets miffed when Forbes believes the Rubberbandits! Blind indeed.

The Rubberbandits made their name through lampooning Limerick’s criminal classes using a plastic shopping bag for facial disguise instead of the customary lady’s nylon tights. The net effect is to reinforce the public view of the prominence of criminality within the city. It has become a celebrated part of the city’s culture, so much so, that Limerick city in its bid to become the European City of Culture 2020, enlisted the services of city’s fake and comedic criminals. The bid ultimately failed bid but quite what the European judges thought of what constituted Limerick’s culture is unknown, but it would appear that no other city celebrates is criminal classes with such alacrity as Limerick.

The Rubberbandits might counter with arguments that they are really lampooning the lower classes of Limerick. However, only a tiny proportion of these people might have a need to wear a disguise on occasion. It is also unfair to associate swathes of the population with criminality. Moreover, it should come as no surprise to anyone to see that Limerick has become, unfairly, associated with criminality, a view reinforced by Blindboy Boatclub et al.

Mr Boatclub angrily dismissed an article published by the American Forbes magazine describing it as a ‘wet fart’.  The article concentrated on the negative aspects of Limerick and had the audacity to use the city’s nickname, ‘Stab City’ and went it on to claim that the billionaire Collision bothers were lucky to escape the warzone. The Collision brothers, natives of Limerick city, founded the Stripe Internet payments company which required them to move to Silicon Valley in California and they became billionaires in a very short period of time. Hence, the notion of escaping Stab City.

It was they who were the subject of the article written by an Irishman, Stephen McBride who was born in Dublin but now works in America. Using his local knowledge and filtering it through many Irish cultural biases, he produced yet another expression of national self-loathing. McBride took all the negative commentary about the city and embellished further to a point where the Collision brothers described it is daft and bizarre.

The reality is that Limerick is a lovely city and I visit it regularly, and I recommend visiting to all my friends and acquaintances. California has a murder rate three times higher than Ireland, so one is much safer in Limerick than California.

The debacle is emblematic of a problem in Irish society which largely remains unaware of its malignant effects. In the book I name this set of behaviours,  ‘Clurichaun Syndrome’, which you can see expressed daily through the media where Irish people, of normal intelligence, can think that they can make loathful comments about the Irish nation, and it magically does not apply to them, nor their family and friends.

Blindboy is also blind to clurichaunism and most of his audience think that he is just expressing Irish self-deprecating humour. But there is a lot to suggest that the Rubberbandits, like many of their fellow country people, are unable to rise above the prejudices of their ancestors. William Hazlitt once wrote that ‘prejudice is the child of ignorance’ and I add that her most precious child is Irish ignorance due in no small part to its ability cause real world harm.

Irish children are not allowed to be proud of their country and the achievements of their fellow country men and women. Almost every Irish child is taught that that Irish people, outside of their social circle, are faulty human beings. Of course, it is set of views which are also held by people outside of one’s social circle so that they think you too are nothing more than an ignorant gobhite. Accordingly, people are blind to the fact that their negative prejudices apply to them, so it is like a blind self-loathing. It has many practical implications which have the net effect of taking children out into the back year and shooting them in the foot. Their future prospects are damaged by the fact that they had the misfortune to be born Irish. Many cannot wait to emigrate to get away from the fault human beings in the forlorn hope that the superiority of people from other nations with rub off on them.

Irish people will support English soccer teams in their hundreds of thousands, leaving a few hardcore people to support their own. The result is that Irish children’s prospect of becoming a professional footballer are greatly diminished. It is emblematic of a centuries old problem where Irish investors have a preference for not investing in Ireland.

Many Irish employers have a preference for hiring non-Irish people. Irish universities cannot produce enough talent, with result that all the giant multinational companies with operations in Ireland are staffed by a huge majority of talented individuals from abroad. At the same time, Irish third level graduates have to go abroad to find work. Irish universities are engaged in grade inflation, effectively pulling the wool over the eyes of gullible politicians but not the employers.

The Irish society of the early 21st century is a society in chaos, its identity smashed with false notions of women misogynists and a deeply misogynistic society. A set of historical falsities which the Rubberbandits have keenly promoted and done so using pure Irish ignorance.

You probably would not believe it, but I do like the Rubberbandits, they showed great talent with their song ‘Horse Outside’ and great poetic talent in the Irish language version of ‘I Want to Fight your Father.’

However, as Albert Einstein astutely observed, ‘few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment’, the talent of the Rubberbandits is wasted through promoting myths with no basis in fact. They have deposited many ‘wet farts’ about the Catholic Church and no doubt stored the resultant soiled underwear in a plastic shopping bag. Sometimes it looks like the forgot witch plastic bag was used  to store the said underwear. 😀


The HSE – Ireland’s answer to Disneyland

Once upon a time in a land of little people, officials were employed by the country’s health services to create fairy tales. Disney have a long history of taking European folklore and turning into a magical cinematic experience. The HSE on the other hand, employ more creative methods using the tradition Irish game of ‘Pin the Tail on the Leprechaun’. A picture of a leprechaun is pinned on to a wall chart, which can pivot so words and phrases can be chosen at random, all with crackpot notions.

As with the donkey version, blindfolded game players attempt to pin the tail as close to the leprechaun’s behind as possible. The pin invariably lands on a words or phrases, which are then used to produce random sneers and slurs, wound into a spiral of deceit and cast upon oneself and others. It is self-deprecating, self-loathing, small-minded black humour, written with the intent to give a sense of self-worth to people who feel worthless. A sense of self-importance gained the expense of others through gasbagging.

The report of the commission investigating mother and baby homes tells the story of the saga. ‘It appears that, in October 2012 two documents described as a file note and a draft briefing paper were circulated among senior HSE staff. […] These documents contained a number of allegations regarding Bessborough mother and baby home and the Tuam home.’

In other words, senior HSE staff filled a gigantic gasbag with crackpot notions taken from the leprechaun’s behind…

  • A database of 1,000 names of children existed who were sent abroad for adoption.
  • Death records of children were falsified to hide illegal adoptions.
  • Children were held in the homes longer than necessary for financial reasons.
  • Letters were sent to parents asking for money for children who had died.
  • Tuam and Bessborough charged a fee for the upkeep of children to both adoptive parents and the birth parent.
  • Women who gave birth were discharged to a Magdalen institution.
  • Money was claimed from the government for mothers and children after they had left the home.
  • The ‘trafficking’ of babies was facilitated by doctors, social workers and others, some of whom could still be working in the system.

The commission of investigation comment: ‘details of the document were repeated many times including during a Seanad debate of 17 May 2017. It appeared to be accepted by commentators and politicians that the allegations and suppositions made in these documents were statements of fact.’

HSE Mission Accomplished, politicians, journalists, bloggers et al., became shivers in search of a spine, the buck-leppin leprechauns went a buck-leppin, the shillelaghs waved menacingly, thumping anyone and everything in range, jigs were danced and the magic mushrooms passed around. There was ballyhoo from Ballymaloe to Timbuktu.  Mouths frothed without the need for beer, and dung of all types was flung at their own ancestors and themselves.

What a session, you should have been there, the crack was 90… euros, there was no hangover suffered the morning after, no sense of shame and no apology.

In evidence to the commission, the HSE official [the witness] who prepared the document said she “could only recollect finding two photographs which appeared to be passport photographs for children being adopted to the US”.

The report added:

With respect to the allegation that there was ‘more than one letter asking for money for an infant who had been discharged or died’ the witness stated that she had no recollection of finding more than one letter if even one letter. The witness stated that she did not come across any evidence of trafficking of babies and in relation to the phrase ‘it must be that it was facilitated by adoptive social workers’ stated that ‘I don’t know what that is alluding to’. The witness had no memory of seeing evidence relating to nuns claiming for a dead baby. The witness had found no evidence of trafficking of babies. The witness did have a memory of reading a letter from a couple who had gone back to America with their adopted child saying that they would send money on to ‘the nuns’. The witness remarked ‘I certainly didn’t see any evidence of vast sums of money being passed over, you know parents being groomed to have children in order to … for prospective adoptive parents’.

Disney could never create as much magic as the Irish, no other nation has the imagination nor the inclination to live within the imagination, and no one else needs to feel alive by fighting with the dead. Reality, honesty, and integrity are not the values of ‘senior HSE staff’, nobody expects high standards and none are achieved.



Michael McDowell – the Joseph Goebbels of anti-Catholic Ireland

Michael McDowell assumed his role as the Joseph Goebbels of anti-Catholic Ireland. The country’s biggest eejit had to apologise for likening Richard Bruton to the Nazi propaganda minister in 2006. While McDowell had no justification for his slur against Bruton, the Irish nation has grounds to return McDowell’s slurs to their source.

McDowell in an article in the Irish Times published today, 20 Jan 2021, adds his voice to scathing attacks on the Irish nation, the church and political establishment. He writes:

Our church-dominated society perpetrated this terrible mistreatment of its weakest and most vulnerable. Apart from the appalling level of infant mortality, the outline of this shameful aspect of independent Ireland has never been secret. It was a case of unacknowledged acquiescence.

McDowell’s ‘appalling’ attack relies completely for its evidential basis on an ignorant interpretation of health statistics. He has no idea that the purpose of gathering these statistics was to identify problems, report them to the experts, with a view to instilling action. One of those problems identified, even under British rule, was the high infant mortality rates among illegitimate children. The rates continued to be high for decades because no one could solve the causes of the problem. Accordingly, it is simply scurrilous to imply that nobody cared, and it is a claim which is not supported by the evidence.

He is right on one point, high infant mortality rates have never been secret but then goes on to imply that the seeming lack of action was due to ‘acquiescence’, an assertion, which no competent health statistician would be able to make. If the mortality rates remain high for certain diseases for decades, does this mean that nobody cared or could it be that there was no cure for the disease.

The ‘appalling level of infant mortality’ can be found in Ireland today. The children’s Alliance reported in 2014 that children born to Travellers suffered an infant mortality rate which was multiples of the normal rate. The rate was put at 360 percent, or 3.6 times that of the normal infant mortality rate. The British Office for National Statistics reported in 2003, that children born to unmarried mothers suffered from an ‘appalling’ high infant mortality rate, 30 percent higher than children born to married parents.

If high infant mortality rates are an indication of ‘appalling’ abuse, why are we not accusing the travellers and present day unmarried mothers of starving and murdering their infants?

The answer is very simple, only a dirty eejit, ignorant of mathematics, can think that high infant mortality rates are correlated with abuse, and use false assertions to attack innocent people.

Health statistics across the world, for over a century, have shown that high infant mortality rates are primarily caused by poverty. This ‘poverty penalty’ remains a problem even today in general health statistics and ‘has never been secret’. The CSO reported in 2006 that the poorest men lived on average 4.3 years less than the richest. The poorest women live on average 2.6 years less than the richest women. That was reported in 2006, a time when McDowell was Táinste and Minister of Justice. Was his gobshite government ‘acquiescent’ in the abuse of poor people?

I am using ‘appalling’ to mimic McDowell’s attempt to rouse emotions in the minds of the jury. Such actions are born of the intent to get a defendant hung, but even though the accused are entitled to a defence, McDowell, along with every media organisation in Ireland is sitting on the face of the defence lawyer to keep her quite. His flatulence is quite ‘appalling’, his title forever changed to former minister of the promotion of injustice.


High Infant Mortality Rates are not Evidence of Abuse

Mother and Baby Homes

It has been called a holocaust, a mass murder of babies, with fantastical tales of abuse that have been imagined by a small, but influential, cabal of the country’s axe grinders. What does it say about Ireland’s historians when the country’s most decorated historian is not a historian! However, the Irish taxpayer, once again, continues to be forced to foot the bill for stupidity. It evinces for the Irish nation the adage, that it is impossible to soar with eagles when ruled by turkeys.  – E. Jordan

A False History

Ireland has been in the grip of major historical scandals in recent times, mostly based on a false interpretation of history. The mother and baby homes scandal which took flight in the world’s media in 2014, is peppered with lurid headlines and claims of murder and abuse and even a holocaust. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that has not stopped some sections of Irish society and politicians from jumping on the bandwagon, adding one spurious claim on top of another. Moreover, while most historians are silent, one or two less prominent academic historians have also chased after and jumped on the bandwagon. When we look for answers, it warrants an investigation into why the quality controls have become dysfunctional in the Irish university system.

Why would people go to the trouble of making up a false history, and what is in it for them?

There are powerful psychological forces at play which will cause us to believe in things which are not true, especially if they can create a sense of social superiority. The easiest way to achieve this is to create and hold views which denigrate other social groups, thereby giving one a sense of superiority, but it is illusory superiority.

Ireland society’s cultural biases and prejudices are so pervasive, and are inculcated from such an early age we hardly notice them. However, on close examination, they are central to answering questions relating to why reason, logic and evidence have been relegated to the doldrums and replaced with excitable nonsense, hysterical machinations and idiotic egocentrism.  The author Eugene Jordan provides a ground-breaking analysis that when combined with the supporting evidence, reveal a fascinating, and disturbing picture of 21st century Irish society.

Irish academic history has suffered a significant embarrassment having being usurped and intellectually outflanked by a woman who freely admits that she is not a historian and has no history qualifications. Yet she, to her credit, now ranks as Ireland’s most decorated historian, standing head and shoulders above all those so-called ‘professional’ historians holding up the universities’ walls. That in itself tells us that the historians are not up to the job, because they missed the holocaust which happened right beneath their very noses. It can also indicate that there is something very rotten at the core of Irish academia—a bold claim backed up in the book robustly with evidence.

The reality is that poor unmarried mothers were subjected to a brutal and austere regime when Ireland was under British rule. However, and to their great credit, immediately after independence, the new Free State government moved to end the brutality of the workhouse system and devised a system which was infinitely better for all the country’s poorer citizens and especially women. This is the correct historical context against which Irish mother and baby homes should be viewed, but Ireland being Ireland, when the commission of investigation was set up it was prevented from looking at the regime which existed under the British.  Why? Because it weakens the case that it was only catholic Ireland which abused women.

The whole conspiracy theory falls apart when two simple questions are asked. What was in it for the women, both protestant and catholic operating these homes to start offering a baby disposal service? Why did infanticide continue when babies could be left at an institution for disposal?

We could then ask, why was the church looking after and rearing unwanted children for nearly 2,000 years and why is it that for the first time in history, are Irish women accused of murdering unwanted children.

The first duty of a historian is to tell the story of past events, set in their correct historical context, but the evidence shows convincingly, that Irish academic historians are very much in neglect of this duty.

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