Blindboy Boatclub - As dumb as a box of rocks

RTE’s Ignorant Rewrite of Irish History

Limerick’s mock criminal was given access to the national airwaves last night by RTÉ to continue their ignorant rewrite of Irish history. Mr Blindboy Boatclub (David Chambers) thinks he is possessed of a superior intellect. However, Blindboy is more than an apt moniker because he is in the dark and the darkness is where prejudices lurk, like shivers seeking a spine. Chambers is too lazy to educate himself on many of the topics he considers himself to be an über intellectual. Luckily for him, RTÉ will only give access to the airwaves to people who want to sneer at the Irish, religions and religious people.

Chambers declares at the very start that he does not believe in God, and he finds it hard to impartially evaluate Irish Christian scholastic achievements because of the crimes of the Catholic Church. It is a rare instance of honesty. I have never witnessed a presenter on an RTÉ programme declaring their biases and prejudices at the very start of a programme. However, it is not an unreasonable question to ask, what is the point of making a programme that is not history, merely a narrative constructed from a chain of prejudices.

There is an old saying that people who refuse to use their own mind let others do their thinking for them. Mr Chambers is the exemplar of that aphorism. First, he believes that nuns were like the Butchers of Belsen carrying out a holocaust in Tuam and elsewhere. The nuns were selling the children, who they had not the time to kill, to wealthy American couples. All a complete nonsense that can be spotted by anyone with a half an ounce of sense.

Well 14 grams of sense cannot be found in any of Chamber’s comments on religion or many other topics. He has followers who possess even less intellectual weight and so regard him as an influencer.

I, along with many others, are struggling with the big question, why do the thick rule Ireland at present? The answer must be that village idiots for centuries were marginalised by the people of the village. Nobody in the village paid a blind bit of heed to them. However, along comes Twitter and allows village idiots, not only to find one another but form a community. X is so full of village idiots sneering at people that it is hard to find any quality content. It has become a battle ground with fools rushing in where angels fear to tread. Only a handful of intellectual use X but they are drowned out by the throngs of village idiots who believe themselves to be very smart people.

Smart people do as they have always done; they ignore the idiots. It worked well for millennia, then along came social media.



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