Since the war began in Ukraine, Ireland’s state broadcaster has begun nearly every one of its news bulletins with the gospel according to Zelenskyy. The…
Author: Eugene Jordan
Truth is the first Casualty of War
Truth is the first casualty of war. In war, all armies commit atrocities. Beware of false flag operations. These are the first three maxims of…
John Ryan or Bodger a Fakenews Merchant is a guttersnipe website which gives vent to a certain type of Irish prejudices and bias. There is no editorial control and so the…
RTÉ’s Anti-Catholic Agenda
RTÉ is perusing it anti-Catholic agenda with gusto again this week with not one, but two false history programmes. Historians are taught that events in…
RTÉ – Revisionist Toxic Effrontery
In direct contradiction of a commission of investigation findings, RTÉ continues to pursue its anti-Catholic agenda using the full gamut of propaganda tools. Like the…
Damien O’Reilly- A Fool Rushes in…
Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt Damien O’Reilly, broadcaster and farming journalist, has become one…
Leo Varadkar & His Lies
Leo’s Varadkar’s apology following the publication of the final report of the commission of investigation into mother and baby homes proved once and for all…
Distinguished lawyers acted unlawfully!
Yet another carbuncle has been added to the corpus of Ireland’s mother and baby homes saga. In a recent judgement, the Irish High Court has…
Cost of mother and baby homes compensation scheme will exceed €1bn
Irish taxpayers are being forced to pay massive a compensation bill — costing each worker an average of €355 — for supposed historic abuse that…
The Mistakes of Catherine Corless
Catherine Corless has put into the public domain the records of children who died at the Tuam Children’s Home but with significant omissions. Had these…